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Happy International Human Solidarity Day!🌍🤝

Photo Credit: Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Today, let's celebrate the spirit of unity and cooperation among people worldwide. In a world facing various challenges, solidarity reminds us that together, we can make a positive impact and create a better future for everyone. On this special day, we've curated five songs that convey the importance of unity and encourage support for each other.


These albums, released by Wind Music, include "Le luyi" by the Taiwu Ballad Troupe, meaning "Thinking Back on Old Times" in the indigenous Paiwan language. We also present "Sing for Each Other" by Sauljaljui, "Light Up My World" by Fann—a song dedicated to International Homeless Animals Day—and "Muskun kata" by Biung, meaning "Together, us" in the indigenous Bunun language. Lastly, the recently released album in August by Yupasuengi and Lea features the song "C'oeha," translating to "river" in the indigenous Tsou language, showcasing the power of nature and encouraging the community to safeguard the ecological balance.


A big shoutout to these artists! Thank you for making our day more meaningful and filled with warmth. Here's to a more inclusive and harmonious world!

Listen to the full music below💙

YAYO我們一直存在著 - 03 C'oeha 河 - 鄒語歌詞版

YAYO我們一直存在著 - 03 C'oeha 河 - 鄒語歌詞版

YAYO我們一直存在著 鄒語創作專輯 2023年7月31日數位上架、8月8日實體上架 數位專輯: ◎本張專輯獲得110年度原住民族影視音樂文化創意產業補助計畫 [ 影片開頭文字動畫顯示為「c'oeha 河流」,雖詞義翻譯無誤,但專輯歌曲名稱為「c'oeha 河」。] ---- 03 c'oeha 河 ho temu la ngohza 'e c'oeha 當你們珍惜這條河 te'o la yaeza aʉt'ʉca na muu 我也會守護著你們 'e mo mohpopoha'o ci chumu 讓緩緩的河水 temu la toehunga biftongi 成為你們的依靠 honci muu kematmohi 'e c'oeha 當你們破壞這條河 ta'u la ausuhca yoveineni 我也會加倍奉還 namo na'no sʉ'no sʉ'no ci c'oeha 讓暴怒的河水 tena la noa kuzo ci cei muu 成為你們的夢魘 la'u meelʉ yaa no nsou 我可以孕育生命 la'u meelʉ apayo'ʉ no nsou 我也可以毀滅生命 tec'o aiti na temu hiyoa 全都看你們決定 鄒族的河川,孕育許多珍貴的生命物種,也供給鄒族人“真正的魚”。而河川是鄒族生命的泉源,也是能摧毀村莊的野獸。就像ak'e mameoi一樣,每條有名字的溪流河川都有其負責看管的ake' c'oeha。而傳說中,美麗的達娜依谷溪守護神是可以變身成為白鹿或巨鷹。也有討論說,或許日月潭的那隻白鹿就是hicu no tanaiku化身而成。 這首歌曲是從鄒族河神的角度演唱,提醒族人保護河流的生態平衡。不要任意在河流開採及建造。 ---- c'oeha/River When you cherish this river I will also protect you Let the gently flowing water Become your most dependable partner When you destroy this river My wrath will also double Let my angry torrent Become your worst nightmare I can nourish life I can also destroy it It’s all up to you The rivers of the Tsou people are the habitat to many precious species of life and provide the Tsou people with "real fish". The rivers are the source of life for the Tsou, but they are also the ferocious beasts that can destroy villages. Like the Ak'e Mameoi, each named stream has its own Ak'e C'oeha, and legend has it that the beautiful guardian deity of Danayigu River can transform into a white deer or a giant eagle. There are also legends that perhaps the white deer in Sun Moon Lake is the Hicu No Tanaiku in disguise. This song is sung from the perspective of the Tsou tribe's River God, addressing the fellow tribe members and reminding them to protect the ecological balance of the rivers. It urges them not to engage in indiscriminate sand and gravel extraction or construct sand barriers that could harm the river's natural flow. ---- 專輯發行Distributed by: 捌拾捌國際娛樂Voyu Yatauyungana Co., Ltd. 專輯統籌Chief Coordinator: Yinguyu Yatauyungana(高蕾雅) 製作人Chief Coordinator: Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路) 詞Lyrics: Yinguyu Yatauyungana(高蕾雅) 曲Song: Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路) 悠巴歌謠傳唱隊Yupasuingi: 'atai yatauyungana(高駿逸)、'avai yaisikana(石仕倫)、apu'u muknana(武易萱)、 ku'atu noacachiana(莊宇)、mo'o voyuana(石聖安)、naa'u yoifoana(莊瑜姍)、 sayungu vaiyayana(汪颯悠)、yangui akuyayana(陳羿妏)、yapasuongu niahosa(梁一哲) 特別獻唱Special featuring:Yinguyu Yatauyungana(高蕾雅) 編曲Arranger: QinQinQin(邱群)、Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路) 合聲編寫Vocal Arrangement: Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路) 電子合成器編寫Electronic Synthesizer: QinQinQin (邱群) 錄音工程師Recording Engineer: Paiian Tamapima(高治軍)、Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路) 配唱製作Vocal Producer: Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路) 後製編輯Post-production Editing: Baobu Badulu(保卜·巴督路)、Paiian Tamapima(高治軍)、QinQinQin(邱群) 混音工程師 Mixing Engineer: 陳威達 Chen Wei Da 母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer: 樹人咪房Treemen Studio、劉詩偉Liu Shih Wei 錄音室Recording Studio: 小石頭音樂工作室Little Rock Music Studio 亞蔚錄音室Aisaway Studio 1997音樂工作室 1997 Music Studio 柏林樂器Berlin Music 旺多福工作室 Wonderful Studio 裝幀設計Package Design: tanivu peongsi(妲妮芙畢永希) 美術設計Graphic Design: tanivu peongsi(妲妮芙畢永希) 專輯文案Copywriter: Yinguyu Yatauyungana(高蕾雅) 族語協助Cou language instructors: fa’ei dosku(杜有財先生)、yinguyu yasiungu(安蘭香女士)、 sayung noacachiana(莊孝美女士)、sayungu vayayana(高汪雲美女士)、 yaungi yakumangana(楊秋蓮女士)、mo'o vayaeana(汪啟聖先生)、 yapasuyongʉ mʉknana(武清山先生) 特別感謝Special Thanks To: yavai vayayana(汪義福先生)、mo’o e peongsi(汪啟德先生)、 iusungu yasiungu(安金力先生)、mo'e tapangu(方敏全先生)、 廖士賢Sam Liao、嬉班子Sibongie、后薩民宿TJ’S Hosa Guest House、 劉詩偉Liu Shih Wei 、蔡乙韶 SHAO、許理平Max Hsu OP:捌拾捌國際娛樂Voyu Yatauyungana Co., Ltd. SP:風潮音樂國際股份有限公司WIND MUSIC International Corporation

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